This was a world of plenty,
Where stocks were in supply.
Until this virus hit us,
People began to die.
Now the shops impose limits,
Maybe they should’ve before.
To quell our glutinous race,
Caution rates will now soar.
The shops they have plenty,
Though the choice is limited.
Stop with quick and easy,
Cook! Be spirited.
Now is the chance to explore,
Skills that have died out.
Refine the art of cooking,
Food which is about.
The usual crumbles I couldn’t make,
So I thought outside the box,
Apple and banana filling,
Hair rollers made of socks.
Be creative with what you do,
Recipes are just a guide.
Cook food full of love,
Designs fill you with pride.
So on a visit to the store,
Put your creative head on.
Think about something new.
That matches your fight song.
Cooking is an art form,
It’s ready to explore.
So think when you reach the store,
To staff say, ‘Thanks once more.’
By Sam Luxton
These poems have been written for times in my life that have caused me to seek a calming resolution for an ocean where waves swirl and thoughts become overwhelming. If you choose to read any, thank you! Each poem is capturing an in the moment thought. Please leave a comment, especially if you really like a poem as I am looking to enter one in a compettiton.
Tuesday, 31 March 2020
I have an amazing family!
I have an amazing family,
Though batty I confess.
The myriads of stories,
Would cause laughter I profess.
So many aunts, uncles and cousins to,
Who are there for me.
When I really need them,
They answer my plea.
It’s been a time of sadness,
Where my heart sunk before.
But they were there to hold me,
To pick me of the floor.
I have an amazing family,
Though batty I confess.
The myriads of stories,
Would cause laughter I profess.
Each and everyone of us,
Have challenges of our own.
Yet when we really need someone,
We’re there on the phone.
Pain and sorrow have touched us all,
So has love and joy.
In our times of sadness,
We won’t act so coy.
I have an amazing family,
Though batty I confess.
The myriads of stories,
Would cause laughter I profess.
So to my amazing family,
I say this to you all.
When we get together,
We’ll have such a ball.
Until that time be safe,
Try to stay inside.
For after this ordeal,
Once more we’ll be allied.
I have an amazing family,
Though batty I confess.
The myriads of stories,
Would cause laughter I profess.
You are the best family,
I could have dreamed up.
Each night I light a candle,
I raise up my teacup.
I also reach out to my friends,
The family I do choose.
For when you all stand by me,
No battle I can loose.
I have an amazing family,
Though batty I confess.
The myriads of stories,
Would cause laughter I profess.
So in this time of worry,
I am there for you.
I’ll even go to Tesco,
Face that awful queue.
So to my family,
I make a solemn plea.
If you need to chat,
Just instant message me.
I have an amazing family,
Though batty I confess.
The myriads of stories,
Would cause laughter I profess.
So if your family is like mine,
(I’m sure that many are).
Let them know you love them,
Whether they’re near or far.
So to all my family,
Hugs and kisses I send your way,
I also send you my love,
Each and everyday.
By Sam Luxton
I have an amazing family,
Though batty I confess.
The myriads of stories,
Would cause laughter I profess.
So many aunts, uncles and cousins to,
Who are there for me.
When I really need them,
They answer my plea.
It’s been a time of sadness,
Where my heart sunk before.
But they were there to hold me,
To pick me of the floor.
I have an amazing family,
Though batty I confess.
The myriads of stories,
Would cause laughter I profess.
Each and everyone of us,
Have challenges of our own.
Yet when we really need someone,
We’re there on the phone.
Pain and sorrow have touched us all,
So has love and joy.
In our times of sadness,
We won’t act so coy.
I have an amazing family,
Though batty I confess.
The myriads of stories,
Would cause laughter I profess.
So to my amazing family,
I say this to you all.
When we get together,
We’ll have such a ball.
Until that time be safe,
Try to stay inside.
For after this ordeal,
Once more we’ll be allied.
I have an amazing family,
Though batty I confess.
The myriads of stories,
Would cause laughter I profess.
You are the best family,
I could have dreamed up.
Each night I light a candle,
I raise up my teacup.
I also reach out to my friends,
The family I do choose.
For when you all stand by me,
No battle I can loose.
I have an amazing family,
Though batty I confess.
The myriads of stories,
Would cause laughter I profess.
So in this time of worry,
I am there for you.
I’ll even go to Tesco,
Face that awful queue.
So to my family,
I make a solemn plea.
If you need to chat,
Just instant message me.
I have an amazing family,
Though batty I confess.
The myriads of stories,
Would cause laughter I profess.
So if your family is like mine,
(I’m sure that many are).
Let them know you love them,
Whether they’re near or far.
So to all my family,
Hugs and kisses I send your way,
I also send you my love,
Each and everyday.
By Sam Luxton
Which is the greater virus?
They say this is the worst virus,
The world has ever known.
Yet I feel we overlook,
The problems we have sown.
We have spread across the world,
Damaged land and sea.
Is it any wonder,
The world wants to be set free.
Take this time to notice,
When you go outside.
We do not need everything,
We hoarded in our lives.
We need the basic rations,
A roof to keep us warm,
A place we can call home,
Natural places we can swarm.
The animals are happy,
They finally have peace.
In being in isolation,
They’ve found a moment of release.
I hope you sit and realize,
We’re being given another chance.
If we keep on going,
We’ll face a deadlier dance.
We cannot beat the world,
Nature will always win.
Let’s not have to suffer,
As resource lines grow thin.
Take opportunity,
Realise the pain of greed.
People are still dying,
Simple messages we won’t heed.
We caused the melting ice caps,
We caused the oil spills.
We created an extinction list,
Of animals we helped kill.
Animals who faced such plights,
We’ve culled in mass degree.
A miracle it is for us,
They are not as cruel as we.
So if this is the worst virus,
I pray just stop and think.
When our bodies are under siege,
We made the world face it’s brink.
We cannot carry on this way,
We cannot hope to survive.
This world is starting to fight back,
We struggle to stay alive.
It’s answered problems we have faced,
Those we know deep at heart,
Pollution, population and greed
Will tear us all apart.
Instead of traveling round the world,
look closer to your heart and home.
For there you’ll find true healing grace,
Knowing you’re not alone.
This poem is a warning,
It’s stark and strong and true.
If humans continue as they are,
The worst virus is me and you.
So instead I ask you to stand with me,
In becoming part of the cure.
This world is in vast danger,
It cries for help I’m sure.
It starts by making up your mind,
To do more than before,
Take only what you really need,
Don’t keep wanting more and more.
By Sam Luxton
The world has ever known.
Yet I feel we overlook,
The problems we have sown.
We have spread across the world,
Damaged land and sea.
Is it any wonder,
The world wants to be set free.
Take this time to notice,
When you go outside.
We do not need everything,
We hoarded in our lives.
We need the basic rations,
A roof to keep us warm,
A place we can call home,
Natural places we can swarm.
The animals are happy,
They finally have peace.
In being in isolation,
They’ve found a moment of release.
I hope you sit and realize,
We’re being given another chance.
If we keep on going,
We’ll face a deadlier dance.
We cannot beat the world,
Nature will always win.
Let’s not have to suffer,
As resource lines grow thin.
Take opportunity,
Realise the pain of greed.
People are still dying,
Simple messages we won’t heed.
We caused the melting ice caps,
We caused the oil spills.
We created an extinction list,
Of animals we helped kill.
Animals who faced such plights,
We’ve culled in mass degree.
A miracle it is for us,
They are not as cruel as we.
So if this is the worst virus,
I pray just stop and think.
When our bodies are under siege,
We made the world face it’s brink.
We cannot carry on this way,
We cannot hope to survive.
This world is starting to fight back,
We struggle to stay alive.
It’s answered problems we have faced,
Those we know deep at heart,
Pollution, population and greed
Will tear us all apart.
Instead of traveling round the world,
look closer to your heart and home.
For there you’ll find true healing grace,
Knowing you’re not alone.
This poem is a warning,
It’s stark and strong and true.
If humans continue as they are,
The worst virus is me and you.
So instead I ask you to stand with me,
In becoming part of the cure.
This world is in vast danger,
It cries for help I’m sure.
It starts by making up your mind,
To do more than before,
Take only what you really need,
Don’t keep wanting more and more.
By Sam Luxton
Tonight I light a candle!
A poem of hope (Tonight I’ll light a candle)
I ask you now to open your eyes,
Step out into the world.
Breathe the fresh air,
The flowers now unfurled.
The fragrances you failed to smell,
The smiles hid within.
Now they are on display,
The quiet of the din.
We’ve run around for so long,
Always we sought more time.
Now the world we can feel,
Is really so sublime.
People of every nation,
Finally know real peace.
It really is such a shame,
It came from such a disease.
People worry about money,
It’s ok we all have none.
The wealth we all truly have,
Is in each and everyone.
People offer up their skills,
Talents to aid us all.
Finally we begin to notice,
Nature is so cool.
A lesson we all needed to have,
A chance to explore real worth,
This world is such an amazing place,
We’ve ignored it all since birth.
So today’s a day to notice,
What you didn’t see before.
The world is such a beautiful place,
It hides outside your door.
Though you can’t go to explore,
You can experience its gift.
The spirit of the human race,
Is showing through this rift.
We’re stronger than we ever knew,
We can beat this time of need.
On the day we can meet,
Let’s do so without greed.
Bask in every moment,
Rejoice the time you’ve gained.
Understand the simple thing,
At times we need restraint.
Remember this very moment,
The time that’s given to you.
Never let the sun go down,
Keep it shining through.
Manners once again emerge,
The love for those who care.
Remember what you learned this day,
Try not to enter despair.
We’re all in this together,
That’s true for you and me.
This world has been given hope,
Loved ones we soon will see.
Never let despair reign,
In times of fear and doubt.
Remember to thank everyone,
When you’re finally let out.
Some may not be with us,
It’s sad that this is so.
But their candle burns so bright,
From love they helped to grow.
Tonight let’s light a candle,
To show we all agree.
We are all together,
In the dark we now can see.
In the windows of your home,
Or on your balcony,
Tonight light a candle,
For all the world to see.
Light is the sign of hope,
It helps us in dark times,
Light is what feels our minds,
When we accept our crimes.
Tonight let’s light a candle,
To show we all agree.
We are all together,
In the dark we now can see.
By Sam Luxton
I ask you now to open your eyes,
Step out into the world.
Breathe the fresh air,
The flowers now unfurled.
The fragrances you failed to smell,
The smiles hid within.
Now they are on display,
The quiet of the din.
We’ve run around for so long,
Always we sought more time.
Now the world we can feel,
Is really so sublime.
People of every nation,
Finally know real peace.
It really is such a shame,
It came from such a disease.
People worry about money,
It’s ok we all have none.
The wealth we all truly have,
Is in each and everyone.
People offer up their skills,
Talents to aid us all.
Finally we begin to notice,
Nature is so cool.
A lesson we all needed to have,
A chance to explore real worth,
This world is such an amazing place,
We’ve ignored it all since birth.
So today’s a day to notice,
What you didn’t see before.
The world is such a beautiful place,
It hides outside your door.
Though you can’t go to explore,
You can experience its gift.
The spirit of the human race,
Is showing through this rift.
We’re stronger than we ever knew,
We can beat this time of need.
On the day we can meet,
Let’s do so without greed.
Bask in every moment,
Rejoice the time you’ve gained.
Understand the simple thing,
At times we need restraint.
Remember this very moment,
The time that’s given to you.
Never let the sun go down,
Keep it shining through.
Manners once again emerge,
The love for those who care.
Remember what you learned this day,
Try not to enter despair.
We’re all in this together,
That’s true for you and me.
This world has been given hope,
Loved ones we soon will see.
Never let despair reign,
In times of fear and doubt.
Remember to thank everyone,
When you’re finally let out.
Some may not be with us,
It’s sad that this is so.
But their candle burns so bright,
From love they helped to grow.
Tonight let’s light a candle,
To show we all agree.
We are all together,
In the dark we now can see.
In the windows of your home,
Or on your balcony,
Tonight light a candle,
For all the world to see.
Light is the sign of hope,
It helps us in dark times,
Light is what feels our minds,
When we accept our crimes.
Tonight let’s light a candle,
To show we all agree.
We are all together,
In the dark we now can see.
By Sam Luxton
Reach Out!
Reach out
When you reach out to the world,
You will finally see,
There is love in everything,
To touch you and me.
We are all a part of this,
A nation standing tall.
Let’s keep the good rolling,
In pride we shall not fall.
Our nations full of heroes,
The name they won’t agree.
But together we move mountains,
We reach beyond the sea.
Loneliness shall not command us,
Our love it shines so true.
So take a stand this very day,
We’ll see this whole thing through.
The dark shall not own me,
It shall find no place in my heart.
Together we are super strong,
Never truly apart.
Today a message sent to you,
To ensure you know.
The seed of love in you,
In this time will only grow.
Reach out and raise your voice,
Let all the world see.
We love each other everyday,
Soon we’ll all be free.
Ensure the day we can hold hands,
You are there with me.
So that when we embrace,
A hug will cause such glee.
Together on a moment,
Ripples in the pond.
When this is over,
We’ll be where we belong.
Take this time to recall,
Those happy memories.
That forever float around,
Showing love is the real key.
Though your not by my side,
Your carried in my core.
Once again we will embrace,
As we have done before.
In the time of meeting,
You best be by there with me.
For that will truly appeal,
As my fondest memory.
By Sam Luxton
When you reach out to the world,
You will finally see,
There is love in everything,
To touch you and me.
We are all a part of this,
A nation standing tall.
Let’s keep the good rolling,
In pride we shall not fall.
Our nations full of heroes,
The name they won’t agree.
But together we move mountains,
We reach beyond the sea.
Loneliness shall not command us,
Our love it shines so true.
So take a stand this very day,
We’ll see this whole thing through.
The dark shall not own me,
It shall find no place in my heart.
Together we are super strong,
Never truly apart.
Today a message sent to you,
To ensure you know.
The seed of love in you,
In this time will only grow.
Reach out and raise your voice,
Let all the world see.
We love each other everyday,
Soon we’ll all be free.
Ensure the day we can hold hands,
You are there with me.
So that when we embrace,
A hug will cause such glee.
Together on a moment,
Ripples in the pond.
When this is over,
We’ll be where we belong.
Take this time to recall,
Those happy memories.
That forever float around,
Showing love is the real key.
Though your not by my side,
Your carried in my core.
Once again we will embrace,
As we have done before.
In the time of meeting,
You best be by there with me.
For that will truly appeal,
As my fondest memory.
By Sam Luxton
The Call!
A call!
These poems are here to help,
To show you are not alone.
It’s time for us to understand,
Help is on the phone.
Though I cannot hold you,
My spirits by your side.
The wonders of this modern world,
In our hearts it does reside.
So rather than spread doom and gloom,
Why not share a cheer?
Go now and grab the phone,
Call someone who is dear.
Tell them that you love them,
Tell them that you care.
When all of this is over,
The burdens we all will bare.
The people who we adore,
May not be in our reach.
But on the phone you will find,
A love that I can’t teach.
So go now and make that call,
To a person that you know.
Make a pact you’ll help them,
When hugging becomes a show.
It will entertain your more,
Than you ever knew,
To finally put down the phone,
Their embrace you will renew.
Now is the time to ponder,
Who you would choose to call?
The difficulty for me,
I’d wish to call you all.
By Sam Luxton
These poems are here to help,
To show you are not alone.
It’s time for us to understand,
Help is on the phone.
Though I cannot hold you,
My spirits by your side.
The wonders of this modern world,
In our hearts it does reside.
So rather than spread doom and gloom,
Why not share a cheer?
Go now and grab the phone,
Call someone who is dear.
Tell them that you love them,
Tell them that you care.
When all of this is over,
The burdens we all will bare.
The people who we adore,
May not be in our reach.
But on the phone you will find,
A love that I can’t teach.
So go now and make that call,
To a person that you know.
Make a pact you’ll help them,
When hugging becomes a show.
It will entertain your more,
Than you ever knew,
To finally put down the phone,
Their embrace you will renew.
Now is the time to ponder,
Who you would choose to call?
The difficulty for me,
I’d wish to call you all.
By Sam Luxton
When all this is over!
When this is over!
When all this is over,
Where would I seek to be,
The only place in the world,
That I can’t get to see.
It’s not across the ocean,
Or a plane ride round the world,
It’s not a different continent,
Emotions are all swirled.
I run to the very ones,
Who gave life to me,
I’d run to my sisters,
Living by the sea.
For the world I seek to know,
Is found deep within their homes.
I’d walk down past my aunties house,
I’d visit my family as I roam.
My friends would be a magic sight,
My kin would be pure gold.
The day we are reunited,
You won’t break my hold.
The world is full of wonderful things,
The best is in your mind.
When you can’t be with those you love,
In memories you’ll find.
Yesterday was very bleak,
Today I’m filled with hope.
For that day I’m with you,
That’s how I can cope.
They say you never notice,
What you miss until it’s gone.
I didn’t need the virus,
To know this all along.
These words are here to reach you,
To offer you a chance to find belief.
When we join hands once again,
We shall find such great relief.
The world is full of many things,
It’s beauty is unknown.
I will reach out to you,
To help love that’s grown.
By Sam Luxton
When all this is over,
Where would I seek to be,
The only place in the world,
That I can’t get to see.
It’s not across the ocean,
Or a plane ride round the world,
It’s not a different continent,
Emotions are all swirled.
I run to the very ones,
Who gave life to me,
I’d run to my sisters,
Living by the sea.
For the world I seek to know,
Is found deep within their homes.
I’d walk down past my aunties house,
I’d visit my family as I roam.
My friends would be a magic sight,
My kin would be pure gold.
The day we are reunited,
You won’t break my hold.
The world is full of wonderful things,
The best is in your mind.
When you can’t be with those you love,
In memories you’ll find.
Yesterday was very bleak,
Today I’m filled with hope.
For that day I’m with you,
That’s how I can cope.
They say you never notice,
What you miss until it’s gone.
I didn’t need the virus,
To know this all along.
These words are here to reach you,
To offer you a chance to find belief.
When we join hands once again,
We shall find such great relief.
The world is full of many things,
It’s beauty is unknown.
I will reach out to you,
To help love that’s grown.
By Sam Luxton
A message from the world!
A message
Today I had a message,
From the world around me.
It said a massive thank you,
From birds, plants and bees.
Nature is once more blooming,
The ozone starts to heal.
As NHS staff look after us,
Earths love we start to feel.
So when you look out today,
At your worlds surround,
Spare a minute to think,
We can heal this holy ground.
The bees population is needed,
To help more plants to grow.
Less pollution in the air,
Makes breathing less a show.
It’s time to adore the world,
That we have grown to love.
To watch endangered animals,
Survive the human stuff.
Now let’s give this planet time,
To heal it’s open wounds.
Many causes by human greed,
Let’s grant it’s many boons.
While the sick are healing,
The world it does so too.
Nature will start to grow,
Fresh oxygen for you.
Now times of lower supply,
Let us not demand.
Instead stay safe inside,
Listen to the worlds commands.
So thank you from the world we love,
For allowing it time to heal.
The beauty that it contains,
Is always part of its deal.
By Sam Luxton
Today I had a message,
From the world around me.
It said a massive thank you,
From birds, plants and bees.
Nature is once more blooming,
The ozone starts to heal.
As NHS staff look after us,
Earths love we start to feel.
So when you look out today,
At your worlds surround,
Spare a minute to think,
We can heal this holy ground.
The bees population is needed,
To help more plants to grow.
Less pollution in the air,
Makes breathing less a show.
It’s time to adore the world,
That we have grown to love.
To watch endangered animals,
Survive the human stuff.
Now let’s give this planet time,
To heal it’s open wounds.
Many causes by human greed,
Let’s grant it’s many boons.
While the sick are healing,
The world it does so too.
Nature will start to grow,
Fresh oxygen for you.
Now times of lower supply,
Let us not demand.
Instead stay safe inside,
Listen to the worlds commands.
So thank you from the world we love,
For allowing it time to heal.
The beauty that it contains,
Is always part of its deal.
By Sam Luxton
Today I had a visit!
Today I had a visit,
The stranger times two.
First gave stark warning,
The end of all we knew.
He spoke of return to normal,
Lessons we just ignored.
The next wave of nature’s antibodies,
Wipes man of the shores.
We failed to understand,
The curse we made ourselves.
Now the human race,
Reserves a place in hell.
We didn’t cut pollution,
We didn’t aid our kin.
We kept on taking all the time,
We left nature with nothing.
My heart began to weep,
The tear rolled down my face.
How could I be part of it,
Ashamed of the human race.
The visitor departed then,
He left me to my tears.
A terrible end to the world,
Dreamt up in all my fears.
Suddenly the same man came,
Once more into my life,
He smile was so different,
Like he’d overcome such strife.
The messages I once gave you,
Have had a chance to grow.
Now we have this chance,
To plant what we sow.
The message that I once gave,
Was stark, unkind and grim.
But it did what was needed,
It changed the heart within.
For years the world was weeping,
It had to start to fight.
It doesn’t like to hurt it’s kids,
But we’d created such a plight.
The world is our true mother,
It helps us all to live.
Sometimes it feels as though,
It gives and gives and gives.
Now it is our time,
To give something back.
When this is over,
Don’t let the thought,
Grow black.
Go out into the world,
Embrace natural insight.
This world really wants our love,
So give your love so bright.
Today I had a visit,
The stranger times two.
First gave stark warning,
The other offered hope renewed.
By Sam Luxton
The stranger times two.
First gave stark warning,
The end of all we knew.
He spoke of return to normal,
Lessons we just ignored.
The next wave of nature’s antibodies,
Wipes man of the shores.
We failed to understand,
The curse we made ourselves.
Now the human race,
Reserves a place in hell.
We didn’t cut pollution,
We didn’t aid our kin.
We kept on taking all the time,
We left nature with nothing.
My heart began to weep,
The tear rolled down my face.
How could I be part of it,
Ashamed of the human race.
The visitor departed then,
He left me to my tears.
A terrible end to the world,
Dreamt up in all my fears.
Suddenly the same man came,
Once more into my life,
He smile was so different,
Like he’d overcome such strife.
The messages I once gave you,
Have had a chance to grow.
Now we have this chance,
To plant what we sow.
The message that I once gave,
Was stark, unkind and grim.
But it did what was needed,
It changed the heart within.
For years the world was weeping,
It had to start to fight.
It doesn’t like to hurt it’s kids,
But we’d created such a plight.
The world is our true mother,
It helps us all to live.
Sometimes it feels as though,
It gives and gives and gives.
Now it is our time,
To give something back.
When this is over,
Don’t let the thought,
Grow black.
Go out into the world,
Embrace natural insight.
This world really wants our love,
So give your love so bright.
Today I had a visit,
The stranger times two.
First gave stark warning,
The other offered hope renewed.
By Sam Luxton
Today I went to hug you!
Today I went to hug you,
I found that you weren’t there.
Instead I found a message,
That chased away despair.
It spoke of all the many things,
That made us laugh and cry.
It had a loving message,
No letters of goodbye.
It spoke of our very future,
How we will celebrate in jest.
The smiles that we will raise,
The love within our chest.
The letter was so full of love,
A message of pure joy.
I will stay safe for you,
The measures I’ll employ.
For I long to hug you,
Discuss the thoughts within,
For the day I hold you,
My face shall show a grin.
We can’t be what we used to,
Better to be something new.
But I am not alone in this,
Because I do it with you.
I will make provision,
To find a new way to live.
So make sure you’re with me,
To others we shall give.
So I found a letter,
It made me think of you.
Tomorrow I’ll look at the pics,
Of a relationship that grew.
By Sam Luxton
Today I went to hug you,
I found that you weren’t there.
Instead I found a message,
That chased away despair.
It spoke of all the many things,
That made us laugh and cry.
It had a loving message,
No letters of goodbye.
It spoke of our very future,
How we will celebrate in jest.
The smiles that we will raise,
The love within our chest.
The letter was so full of love,
A message of pure joy.
I will stay safe for you,
The measures I’ll employ.
For I long to hug you,
Discuss the thoughts within,
For the day I hold you,
My face shall show a grin.
We can’t be what we used to,
Better to be something new.
But I am not alone in this,
Because I do it with you.
I will make provision,
To find a new way to live.
So make sure you’re with me,
To others we shall give.
So I found a letter,
It made me think of you.
Tomorrow I’ll look at the pics,
Of a relationship that grew.
By Sam Luxton
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