These poems have been written for times in my life that have caused me to seek a calming resolution for an ocean where waves swirl and thoughts become overwhelming. If you choose to read any, thank you! Each poem is capturing an in the moment thought. Please leave a comment, especially if you really like a poem as I am looking to enter one in a compettiton.
Friday, 31 July 2020
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
You never win!
You tried to steal my power,
You tried to steal my trust.
You set about hurting me,
You left me in the dust.
But I survived your attack,
I rose from the pain you caused.
Never will I be fooled,
For you I give no pause.
You will never have forgiveness,
For the pain you left behind.
The way you tore at my flesh,
Or tried to shatter my mind.
I am for to strong for you,
Your power cannot rule.
The attempt on me that you made,
Just show that you are cruel.
By Sam Luxton
You tried to steal my trust.
You set about hurting me,
You left me in the dust.
But I survived your attack,
I rose from the pain you caused.
Never will I be fooled,
For you I give no pause.
You will never have forgiveness,
For the pain you left behind.
The way you tore at my flesh,
Or tried to shatter my mind.
I am for to strong for you,
Your power cannot rule.
The attempt on me that you made,
Just show that you are cruel.
By Sam Luxton
Sunday, 26 July 2020
Who will you fight for?
Who will you fight for?
When all is said and done,
As a race we are all one.
The worlds restart has begun,
Old rhetoric We must now shun.
Who will you fight for?
Who will you survive for?
Who will you change for?
A new path appears once more.
By Sam Luxton
Where do they come from?
Politics, religion, nationality and race.
Why do labels exist today?
To divide us in disgrace.
Reduce the labels in the world,
Stop the injustice of the past.
The continuing feud of the future,
Then the labels cannot last.
The only label that matters,
Is the label of humanity.
For in that very label,
Acceptance we all receive.
We have all had slavery in history,
We have all faced negative labelling.
We have all been through dark times,
Labelling is the continuing sin.
The past teaches what labels create,
They lead to death and strife.
No more labels do we need,
Except humanity for life.
By Sam Luxton
New Start!
It’s scary when you make one,
You question why it’s so.
But sometimes that fresh start,
Is what you need to grow.
Though one door may close,
Another may well stand ajar.
The windows to the old home,
Allow converse to friends afar.
A step into the unknown,
Grants a gift of bravery.
In that unknowable moment,
You see a new destiny.
Taking a leap of faith,
Can seem so frightening.
But those you’ve met and love,
Stand by your enlightening.
Change comes to all in time,
It’s moment is inevitable.
But with the support of everyone,
You can face any call.
I believe in karma,
I believe what will be.
I believe in the future,
Written by you for all to see.
So though a change is scary,
It speed up a beating heart.
The courage and strength inside,
Will make it a successful start!
By Sam Luxton
What I am?
I’m a house of LEGO bricks,
I’m a superhero helping those in need.
I’m a friend, brother and son,
For this reason I will succeed.
Some bricks have been damaged,
They keep me standing tall.
A reminder that thinks break,
Yet Ive survived it all.
The scars that live within,
Shall never overcome me.
They are each a lesson,
A past lesson learned you see.
By Sam Luxton
Shadows lay behind me,
As I walk in the light.
The future so unclear,
But I know I’ll be alright.
As long as I stay focused,
On what lies ahead.
Then the future will get clearer,
Written by me instead.
Shadows always present,
It means we bask in light.
The future is in your hand,
For it you have to fight.
So face away from shadows,
Look out at the open space,
Everywhere you look,
Find a light within the place.
By Sam Luxton
Grey clouds!
Today, I see grey clouds,
Rolling in like the sea.
Yet if you look real closely,
Light you will still see.
It never really leaves you,
It sits just out offsight.
Yet it sits and watches,
Preparing for the fight.
It chases the clouds away,
Creates a sky so new.
Yet it can't last forever,
If it wants to support you.
You can find its presence,
In your times of woe.
Just remember light is there,
A bit is always on show.
By Sam Luxton
Monday, 6 July 2020
No future
There is no future in the past,
We must just leave it there.
No going back to what we were,
It can only cause us despair..
We must now focus on the task,
To pull us through the rain.
The sun will come out shining,
And it will drive out the pain.
Many people lost their lives,
Due to humanities greed!
Do you ignore all advice,
In order to once more be freed.
Messages of hope we need,
To help us through these times.
Return to the safety of the past,
Would be the greatest of crimes.
I am spreading the message,
I am not to preach to you.
I simply asked you stop and think.
What does this world mean to you?
By Sam Luxton
Garden Variety
Walk into a garden,
What is it that you see.
Plants and animals,
Behaving naturally.
Some people’s are wild,
Some area well kept gem.
Some are over paved,
No life found in them.
To be a healthy garden,
You need to have a balance.
You need to walk forward,
Take a proactive stance.
Sometimes weeds may root,
Time to pull them out.
The damage they can cause,
Will make you cry and shout.
If you keep it tidy,
The garden blooms so well.
A place of natural beauty,
That’s makes your heart swell.
The garden has it’s light shades,
It creates fair shadows too.
Yet, a healthy compromise,
Helped the garden as it grew.
The colors of the garden,
Are affected by seasonal change.
The world within the garden,
Over time begins to change.
So, take the chance to notice,
The weeds that grow within.
Take courage and pull them out,
Throw them in the bin.
Your garden will be nicer,
Than you had ever known.
People you let in,
Will love the you that’s shown.
By Sam Luxton
I can’t breathe
I can’t breathe,
the final words.
I can’t breathe,
Time stands still.
I can’t breathe,
The realization dawns.
I can’t breathe,
The world fades away.
I can’t breathe,
Tears roll down cheeks.
I can’t breathe,
They took my breath.
I can’t live,
But a new dream will.
The dream will breathe,
Equality will come.
The dream will breathe,
As a race we stand.
The dream will breathe,
Reignited in a new legacy.
The breath is what unites us.
George’s was stolen.
Those breathes changed hearts and mind,
Lost but never forgotten.
All breath matters
How I got my wings!
While I was walking,
Out among the fields.
The ground began to open,
I saw asphodel fields.
For a minute I feared,
That I may well fall in.
That’s when I realised,
I had been given wings.
I did not have to fight,
Against laws of gravity.
Because I had support,
From all those around me.
They gave me flight,
They gave me hope.
They gave me love,
I know I can cope.
I may not be with them,
In physical sense you see.
But each and everyday,
Their spirit follows me.
I am here forevermore,
A knight that fights with heart.
Though distance separates,
We are never truly apart.
By Sam Luxton
Out among the fields.
The ground began to open,
I saw asphodel fields.
For a minute I feared,
That I may well fall in.
That’s when I realised,
I had been given wings.
I did not have to fight,
Against laws of gravity.
Because I had support,
From all those around me.
They gave me flight,
They gave me hope.
They gave me love,
I know I can cope.
I may not be with them,
In physical sense you see.
But each and everyday,
Their spirit follows me.
I am here forevermore,
A knight that fights with heart.
Though distance separates,
We are never truly apart.
By Sam Luxton
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