Full time job!
Poems in a moment!
These poems have been written for times in my life that have caused me to seek a calming resolution for an ocean where waves swirl and thoughts become overwhelming. If you choose to read any, thank you! Each poem is capturing an in the moment thought. Please leave a comment, especially if you really like a poem as I am looking to enter one in a compettiton.
Saturday, 19 September 2020
Full time job!
Saturday, 12 September 2020
Today I am ok,
Tomorrow who knows.
That’s the wAy,
This life goes.
I could live in fear,
Afraid of a change.
Be affected by thoughts,
Which seem quite strange.
I could isolate,
Remain locked away.
Dreading each moment,
Day by day.
I could disappear,
In a cloud of smoke.
Hide from the world,
As my life did choke.
But no it’s not me,
I stand my ground.
Through the dark,
Hope wraps around.
I know that I,
will find my way!
Changes embraced
Each and everyday.
Thoughts pass on,
Through my mind.
No reality in me,
They will find.
Strange they may be,
Yet they are mine.
A snapshot of me,
In a moment of time.
Why run from a world?
I so do adore.
Why hide the battle?
The mental war.
I’ve lived in fear,
Dread of the coming day.
It was not me,
So I won’t hide away.
The air could choke me,
Bring me down.
But air has oxygen,
It just needs to be found.
So find the power,
You hold inside.
Beat the onslaught,
Of darkening skies.
Raise your army,
Of those you love.
Open up to them,
I know it’s tough.
They want to know,
The pain you feel.
The way the anguish,
For you is real.
Then the power,
Of hope and love.
Can help to anchor,
When things get rough.
You don’t have to be ok,
But you need to be here.
Not having you is a price,
None should have to fear.
So laugh, cry, scream,
Let the pain flow free.
Then tell those you love,
So they can just sit with thee.
We all get lost in life,
Lost in a cave,
Feelings overwhelm,
Choose to be brave.
Speak to those,
Who make you smile.
Who make each day,
Totally worthwhile.
Show the world,
What gifts you hold.
Let your story,
Be told.
By Sam Luxton
Friday, 28 August 2020
When will I be fixed?
When will I be fixed?
I thought I could fix it,
I guess that’s not true.
I have to many demons,
Trying to break through.
They call me from far away,
Forcing me out my mind.
Telling me to save the day,
Yet my brain they seem to grind.
They do not know my torture,
They know not of my pain.
The hate inside me every day,
It drives me so very insane!
I cannot fix what was done,
How do I fix others wrongs?
I fear I am growing heartless,
While others say I’m strong.
How do I fix my issues?
Help those who are in need.
Yet I can’t fix myself,
Aiding I can’t succeed.
Have I changed so fully,
No one can get close to me
People I was so close to,
I fail to hear to hear their plea.
I know not where I’m going,
Nor where I find myself currently at.
All I know is I must move forward,
Because there is no turning back.
By Sam Luxton
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Best friend
My Best Friend Saved Me
There was a child that I knew,
Who was sad and very blue.
No one ever saw the pain,
His energy began to wane.
He had many friends you see,
Wore a smile to seem happy.
Yet inside he would weep,
A turmoil so very deep.
He felt as if he wasn’t there,
That deep down no one cared.
He couldn’t seem to understand,
Why no one held his hand.
Challenges, alone he had faced,
Locked inside his mental space.
He felt the world was not his friend,
He just wanted it all to end.
Then one day his best friend came,
She said, “Tell me why you’re in pain!”
He looked at her and dropped his guard,
He cried and cried so very hard.
He spoke of horrors old and new,
How his self-hate grew and grew.
How he felt no one cared,
How everyday he was unprepared.
She Spoke gently to him,
“We love you let us in.
If you ever feel down,
I will be straight around.
Life can make us feel small,
Other people can be cruel.
But you are not them my friend,
Love and kindness are all you send.”
He looked at her tears in his eyes,
She had seen through his lies.
She knew her friend was feeling bad,
It hurt her and drove her mad.
She hugged him and held him close,
He wept and wept on her clothes.
She just sat and waited there,
Waiting for him to start to share.
She couldn’t fix what was in the past,
Those memories would always last.
Yet she would play an active role,
To return the happiness they stole.
All it takes is one person to see,
To make someone feel worthy.
So, remember to love not hate.
Be mindful of what you create.
By Sam Luxton
This world is full of the unknown,
Negativity now overgrown.
Instead of differences to see,
Accept others see differently.
Embrace the differences in all,
Variety does not need walls.
Do not give in to fear and pain,
For nothing good through this we gain.
Everyone has something to give,
In unity we all should live.
In the storms, floods and fire,
We see the heroes to admire.
The belief held in their heart,
No life should we see depart.
This year nature has tried her best,
To end humanities unrest.
Now it’s time for us to show,
Plants aren’t all that grow.
Never forget what’s been done,
Moving forward go as one.
By Sam Luxton
Earrings made with love,
Necklaces made with thought.
Bracelets to find and wear,
Unique items here can be sought.
Stones of speckled rock,
Make quite the artisan design.
A special gift for you,
So seek and You may very well find.
Jewellery has a special meaning,
It can show a tender side.
From that someone special,
Feelings of fondness won’t hide.
By Sam Luxton
Full time job!
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