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Thursday, 16 April 2020

Someone loves you!

Someone you love!

I’ve had a message from someone you love,
It came to me last night.
The message was one of warmth and joy,
It said, ‘child you’re doing alright.’

Everyday someone loves you,
They stand there by your side.
At night they smooth your hair,
They quietly beam with pride.

They said they walk with you each day,
They’re right by your side.
They are forever at your call,
They’re love will never subside.

Everyday someone loves you,
They stand there by your side.
At night they smooth your hair,
They quietly beam with pride.

Each day they watch as you grow strong,
They watch as your light grows.
Your courage grit and determination,
Is the only reward they seek to know.

Everyday someone loves you,
They stand there by your side.
At night they smooth your hair,
They quietly beam with pride.

They said your sad days are blue,
They said they watch you cry.
But your resilience to such strife,
Shows how much you can truly fly.

Everyday someone loves you,
They stand there by your side.
At night they smooth your hair,
They quietly beam with pride.

The message that was coming through,
Was one that spoke of pride.
Everyday they marvel at you,
Sacred love they cannot hide.

Everyday someone loves you,
They stand there by your side.
At night they smooth your hair,
They quietly beam with pride.

You stand tall, strong and mighty.
You face the world with skill.
The battles that you fight each day,
Show them in life you’ll deal.

Everyday someone loves you,
They stand there by your side.
At night they smooth your hair,
They quietly beam with pride.

You are the weaver of your fate,
Your destiny is oh so grand.
Ensure you live the long happy life,
Before you retake their hand.

Everyday someone loves you,
They stand there by your side.
At night they smooth your hair,
They quietly beam with pride.

By Sam Luxton

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