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Sunday, 12 April 2020

No Matter

No matter who you are or where you’re from,
We stand united in the one race we belong.
There is no division in times of despair,
Humanities might is being able to care,

We claimed we are the dominant species,
Yet germs have much greater reaches.
We are a people who think we deserve,
To never have to earn things on the earth.

We have been coddled and babied so long,
It was always going to lead to a sad, sad song.
Now we must act for the good of all,
Humanity didn’t need a war to fall.

We tore through the earth, a hurricane,
The devastation caused was quite insane.
The death toll rises and people debate,
Yet humans brought upon this fate.

We should have seen the price to advance,
We broke nature’s well-balanced stance
We over populated the world we knew,
As our race just grew and grew.

But some germs spread quickly you see,
They can make you better naturally.
So let us be the bacteria that heals,
Let’s make saving earth the deal.

By Sam Luxton

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