Essential reality
I’d like to ask a question,
To all you if I might?
What do you call essential,
In this epic fight?
Who gave you permission,
To question what this means?
Essential is very different,
To judge aloud is so obscene.
For many it’s the distraction,
That helps to keep them sound.
In these none essential items,
Prevention may be found.
A person choosing paint,
May be fighting a harmful need.
This is essential to them,
It willhelp them to succeed.
A person with a pen,
Molds words into craft.
Writing thoughts and feelings,
Keeps them safely on the raft.
A person who is making,
Random things at home.
Is doing it so simply,
So anxiety can’t be grown.
A person buying flowers,
Seems such a pointless whim.
But organising a garden,
Shows caring from within.
You may not see the value,
In what’s in another’s trolly.
But do not cast aspersions,
You don’t know their folly.
To them this is essential,
It keeps them on track.
For if they become derailed,
We may never get them back.
Your comments can incite,
Fear and deep self doubt.
This person may decide,
There is only one way out.
So be selective with your words,
Banish such accusation.
Mental health can be upturned,
Causing worse devastation.
Essential is different to all,
That’s what makes us unique.
Don’t judge another person,
You may bring about their defeat.
It’s easy to get frustrated,
Much harder to understand.
The difference of essential,
To some is so profound.
Your words can be cutting,
endangering their heart.
Pushing them over the edge,
Will tear a family apart.
We are not the jury,
Don’t join ‘Big Brother’ today.
Try to understand for them,
There is no other way.
Bullies attack mental health,
Abusers find a way in.
One comment to weakens resolve,
A hearse you’ll find them in.
Struggling to carry on,
Finding the plight tough.
Be a guiding star,
See them through the rough.
It’s easy for us to say it,
Not knowing this is their blood.
‘He who is without sin,
be first to cast your mud.’
Words can have harsh results,
To someone who finds things hard.
Don’t be the one to cut their flesh,
That piece of killing shard.
So if you think it’s not essential,
Think it only in your mind.
For saying it to someone,
Means a body you might find.
I don’t want to harm another,
I don’t want them feeling worse.
For if I saw them again,
It may be within a hearse.
By Sam Luxton
These poems have been written for times in my life that have caused me to seek a calming resolution for an ocean where waves swirl and thoughts become overwhelming. If you choose to read any, thank you! Each poem is capturing an in the moment thought. Please leave a comment, especially if you really like a poem as I am looking to enter one in a compettiton.
These poems have been written for times in my life that have caused me to seek a calming resolution for an ocean where waves swirl and thoughts become overwhelming. If you choose to read any, thank you! Each poem is capturing an in the moment thought. Please leave a comment, especially if you really like a poem as I am looking to enter one in a compettiton.
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