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Saturday, 19 September 2020

Full time job!

 Full time job!

I have a full time job,
It keeps me occupied.
Sometimes it’s little hairy,
This fact can’t be denied.
Sometimes it leaves me soaring,
Way up above all the clouds.
Sometimes it brings me lower,
To be covered in a shroud.
Somedays I am a friend,
Others I am a teacher.
I have been a librarian,
Or mindfulness preacher.
I am a brother and son,
I am a sometimes crazy guy.
Yet in my full time job,
I keep hope alive.
I have walked through bitter storms,
Felt a hurricane at my back.
I have been washed away,
But swam my way back.
I have been a cleaner,
A doctor and nurse to.
I have been a mourner,
Lost people through it all.
My job is paved with ups and down,
Worse is I do it for free.
For the job of life is everyone’s,
From the pants to you and me.
Life is a rollercoaster,
That is clear to see.
Every rise has a descent,
another rise won’t be as scary.
So be the rollarcoaster driver,
In the job of life.
Ensuring you carry on,
Letting hope survive.
Things can be so very dark,
Walls can come and cave in.
You are loved and cared for,
So you have everything.
Those I love anchor me,
When I face the storm.
They are the protection,
When facing a deadly swarm.
I thank everyone I’ve met,
It’s been well worth the ride.
There are many more ahead,
I’ll face them with you by my side.
By Sam Luxton

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