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Saturday, 19 September 2020

Full time job!

 Full time job!

I have a full time job,
It keeps me occupied.
Sometimes it’s little hairy,
This fact can’t be denied.
Sometimes it leaves me soaring,
Way up above all the clouds.
Sometimes it brings me lower,
To be covered in a shroud.
Somedays I am a friend,
Others I am a teacher.
I have been a librarian,
Or mindfulness preacher.
I am a brother and son,
I am a sometimes crazy guy.
Yet in my full time job,
I keep hope alive.
I have walked through bitter storms,
Felt a hurricane at my back.
I have been washed away,
But swam my way back.
I have been a cleaner,
A doctor and nurse to.
I have been a mourner,
Lost people through it all.
My job is paved with ups and down,
Worse is I do it for free.
For the job of life is everyone’s,
From the pants to you and me.
Life is a rollercoaster,
That is clear to see.
Every rise has a descent,
another rise won’t be as scary.
So be the rollarcoaster driver,
In the job of life.
Ensuring you carry on,
Letting hope survive.
Things can be so very dark,
Walls can come and cave in.
You are loved and cared for,
So you have everything.
Those I love anchor me,
When I face the storm.
They are the protection,
When facing a deadly swarm.
I thank everyone I’ve met,
It’s been well worth the ride.
There are many more ahead,
I’ll face them with you by my side.
By Sam Luxton



When the storm blows on,
Drive and drive and drive.
Don’t pull over or stop to think,
Ensure you continue to strive.
As the rain falls harder,
Others pull their cars aside.
Just keep driving through the rain,
Let your fear be denied.
Finally you break through,
Then you pull aside.
You look back at the storm,
The fear now can subside.
You carried on through the storm,
Made it to the clear road ahead.
Those who pulled aside,
Have a longer storm instead.
Sometimes we are all worried,
About the weather we face.
But carry on through the storm,
Then safety you can embrace.
By Sam Luxton
By Sam Luxton

Saturday, 12 September 2020



Today I am ok,

Tomorrow who knows.

That’s the wAy,

This life goes.

I could live in fear,

Afraid of a change.

Be affected by thoughts,

Which seem quite strange.

I could isolate,

Remain locked away.

Dreading each moment,

Day by day.

I could disappear,

In a cloud of smoke.

Hide from the world,

As my life did choke.

But no it’s not me,

I stand my ground. 

Through the dark,

Hope wraps around.

I know that I,

will find my way!

Changes embraced 

Each and everyday.

Thoughts pass on,

Through my mind.

No reality in me,

They will find.

Strange they may be, 

Yet they are mine.

A snapshot of me, 

In a moment of time.

Why run from a world?

I so do adore.

Why hide the battle?

The mental war. 

I’ve lived in fear,

Dread of the coming day.

It was not me,

So I won’t hide away.

The air could choke me,

Bring me down. 

But air has oxygen,

It just needs to be found.

So find the power, 

You hold inside.

Beat the onslaught,

Of darkening skies.

Raise your army,

Of those you love.

Open up to them,

I know it’s tough.

They want to know,

The pain you feel.

The way the anguish,

For you is real. 

Then the power,

Of hope and love.

Can help to anchor,

When things get rough.

You don’t have to be ok,

But you need to be here.

Not having you is a price,

None should have to fear.

So laugh, cry, scream,

Let the pain flow free.

Then tell those you love, 

So they can just sit with thee. 

We all get lost in life,

Lost in a cave,

Feelings overwhelm,

Choose to be brave. 

Speak to those,

Who make you smile.

Who make each day,

Totally worthwhile.

Show the world,

What gifts you hold.

Let your story,

Be told.

By Sam Luxton