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Sunday, 26 July 2020

New Start!

It’s scary when you make one,
You question why it’s so.
But sometimes that fresh start,
Is what you need to grow.
Though one door may close,
Another may well stand ajar.
The windows to the old home,
Allow converse to friends afar.
A step into the unknown,
Grants a gift of bravery.
In that unknowable moment,
You see a new destiny.
Taking a leap of faith,
Can seem so frightening.
But those you’ve met and love,
Stand by your enlightening.
Change comes to all in time,
It’s moment is inevitable.
But with the support of everyone,
You can face any call.
I believe in karma,
I believe what will be.
I believe in the future,
Written by you for all to see.
So though a change is scary,
It speed up a beating heart.
The courage and strength inside,
Will make it a successful start!
By Sam Luxton

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