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Thursday, 28 May 2020

Moments define us!

Moments of time,
Moments of space,
Moments of loneliness,
Moments we misplace.
Moments of fear,
Moments of doubt,
Moments of tears,
Moments of shouts.
Moments of anger,
Moments of pain,
Moments of sorrow,
Moments that stain.
Now moments of strength,
Now moments of calm,
Now moments of peace,
Now moments without alarm.
Build moments of fortitude,
Build moments of joy,
Build moments of humility,
Build moments to re-employ.
Build moments of kindness,
Build moments of love,
Build moments of spirits,
Those moments are enough.
I want more moments with you,
I wish for more moments with thee.
Those moments are transcendent,
Though you’ve forgotten me.
It stole our moments,
Wiped them away.
Moments you lose,
Each passing day.
This disease is horrid,
It steals a life,
It cuts so deeply,
Like a sharpened knife.
So, in this moment,
Stand and fight,
Guide the lost,
Back through the night.
By Sam Luxton
Alzheimers takes so much but it cant take the memories of your loved ones who suffer with it.

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