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Thursday, 28 May 2020


In life there is no certainty,
This is why we have anxiety.
Fearing about what might be,
Experiences shape some degree
Certainty lies within your core,
Accept things are better than before.
Seek out courage instead of fear,
Not all experiences are severe
Depression’s like no way out,
It makes you recede and want to shout.
Though when you try no sound comes,
Your black dogs walk has begun.
Seek to make someone smile,
Raise a laugh that is more worthwhile.
Talk about what brings you down,
Control the dog in thoughts don’t drown

Stress feels like your over run,
To much to do and be done.
No time to get all you need,
Anxiety it starts to feed.
Stress can be quickly addressed
Remove job that heighten stress
Prioritise your jobs at hand,
Give anxiety no place to stand.
By Sam Luxton

Moments define us!

Moments of time,
Moments of space,
Moments of loneliness,
Moments we misplace.
Moments of fear,
Moments of doubt,
Moments of tears,
Moments of shouts.
Moments of anger,
Moments of pain,
Moments of sorrow,
Moments that stain.
Now moments of strength,
Now moments of calm,
Now moments of peace,
Now moments without alarm.
Build moments of fortitude,
Build moments of joy,
Build moments of humility,
Build moments to re-employ.
Build moments of kindness,
Build moments of love,
Build moments of spirits,
Those moments are enough.
I want more moments with you,
I wish for more moments with thee.
Those moments are transcendent,
Though you’ve forgotten me.
It stole our moments,
Wiped them away.
Moments you lose,
Each passing day.
This disease is horrid,
It steals a life,
It cuts so deeply,
Like a sharpened knife.
So, in this moment,
Stand and fight,
Guide the lost,
Back through the night.
By Sam Luxton
Alzheimers takes so much but it cant take the memories of your loved ones who suffer with it.

The Wood

I walked through the trees,
Near the entrance to the wood.
Things seemed so peaceful,
The world I understood.
The more ground I covered,
The less that I knew.
The darkness grew thicker,
My loneliness grew and grew.
No longer did I see,
I started to weep.
Hope seemed lost,
I tried to fall asleep.
I heard strange noises,
I woke in fright.
Darkness around me,
My mind screamed Flight.
That’s when I noticed,
A small circle of light.
I felt something lift me,
It aided my fight.
My racing heart calmed,
I felt invisible hands.
I knew I’d be safe,
I’d started to stand.
As I drew nearer,
To the woods clearing.
I felt my courage grow,
I was no longer fearing.
As I stepped out of the dark,
Others appeared too.
We all lost our way,
Hope we now knew.
We gathered around,
Sharing tales of woe.
The space grew bigger,
A path we helped grow.
As we walked out,
Hand in hand with friends,
The forest faded away,
Until we reached its end.
On the other side,
Friends and family waited.
On seeing us arrive,
Their love reciprocated.
They reached out their hands,
As we grabbed them.
We were always with you,
Through your wooded problem.
You may have felt lonely,
Yet you never really were.
It’s just you got caught up,
In life turned into a blur.
But in the darkness,
The light you saw.
Was the candle,
We kept by the door.
We couldn’t fight for you,
But we knew you’d pull through.
You were so strong and brave,
But you needed to see it too.
Now the darkness,
Once more has passed.
The light in our door,
For you will always last.
When your alone,
Don’t be afraid,
Your light comes through,
Darkness you will stave.
By Sam Luxton
Sometimes people in the dark fail to see the help offered. They need a bigger symbol to guide them.

I may not!

I may not want to talk,
I may not want to converse.
When I’m feeling low,
These can make it worse.
What I really do need,
Is for you to understand.
We can sit in silence,
As I take my stand.
Knowing you are with me,
I’d like having a silent knights.
No words need pass between us,
Your presence helps my fight.
When I’m ready to let it out,
If you waited you’ll be first tho hear.
When I fought my darkest battle,
I felt safe because you were near.
This world is full of chatter,
Much of it don’t make sense.
So walls are often built,
To help in my defense.
When I’m in this silent stage,
Three words is all I need.
“I Love you” has the power,
To ensure that I succeed.
By Sam Luxton
When people need to talk listen.
When they are silent send a hug or kiss to know you love them and are thinking of them. The battle they may face is easier if they know but they don’t always want to talk about it. Thank you emojis for giving silence the tools to help.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Lessons taught in Lockdown!

They say we must leave lockdown,
To return to what we had before.
I worry people misunderstand,
The world can’t the same once more.

The trials and sacrifices we made,
Must now continue on you see.
We must not allow that return,
A new world we all must agree.

We step out to see the blooms,
We see a sky so very clear.
Each and every single day,
We chase away more fear.

Lockdowns not the problem,
The change of life will be.
Yet we need to stand strong,
A new way for you and me.

Views seen around the world,
Offer hope and much joy,
For years we poked at nature,
A warning it did employ.

I understand the longing,
For a world we all once knew.
But an opportunity has risen,
A future and life we all renew.

Though the past was full of safety,
The future now is not so secure.
Move away from your screens,
Do not clutch the pasts allure!

How much more we notice,
On those much needed walks.
How we all are suffering,
Without those personal talks.

In hindsight we should listen,
To the future that we make.
Building up our understanding,
Of a world that’s so great.

Listen to the lack of cards,
The growing of bird song.
The air that is my purer,
A return would just be wrong.

I know that many want the norm,
That norm we now must craft.
A vessel into the future is needed,
The world before just cannot last.

We face a world that’s like knew,
Where we were forced to stop and think.
Let’s not create a world once more,
That we again brought to the brink.

Let’s create a world of love,
Where hugging trees feel right.
Where families can lay on the ground,
Watching the stars at night.

Let us see all the beauty,
Of love, care and serenity.
Wonders of the old and new,
Not one of such obscenity.

So this message I hope to weave,
Of a light at the end of the wood.
Make a change to shape the world,
Become the great force of good.

By Sam Luxton