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Sunday, 19 April 2020



The current situation,

Reminiscent of a myth.

Pandora, was made temptress,

To Epimetheus, given as a gift.

A box she was awarded,

By the many gods.

Yet little did she know,

Their mind turning with cogs.

Prometheus had once stole fire,

They created strife, famine and death.

It ate away at all humankind,

It left them quite bereft.

Each and every illness,

Created by those in charge.

Released into the world,

Humanity dying at large.

Yet this is the ending,

Let’s start where it began.

With fire that separated,

The known gods from man.

Prometheus stole fire,

He handed it to them.

The gods grew very angry,

Violence they intend.

To punish all of humanity,

They shaped a girl in clay.

Awarded great beauty,

To take man’s breath away.

Yet for him she was intended,

Epimetheus was blown away.

Such an amazing gift he had,

From gods, on he’s wedding day.

Prometheus offered caution,

Oh the first lady on Earth.

Hestia stoked the ancient fire,

In Olympus’s golden Hearth.

Pandora as a bridal gift,

Was given a box to hold.

Never must she open it,

Was all that she was told.

They enabled the box to open.

Suddenly, horrors leapt out

Curiosity led her down a path,

Destruction she brought about.

She wept with all humanity,

Cried, filling up a well,

Until the final gift came out,

To the world hope did dispel.

By Sam Luxton

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