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Thursday, 9 April 2020

Cave boy!

There once was a boy,
Who lived in a cave. 
Who often went hunting,
to show he was brave.

He would return later,
With a load on his back.
The fur he would skin,
The meat he would stack.

He would light a fire,
Just using some wood,
So he could boil water,
Cooking was so good.

He lived in a tribe,
Surrounded by peers.
Who would always question,
His thoughts and ideas.

He made many tools,
To aid in  everyday work.
The other hairy cave men,
Were driven quite beserk. 

One day he went hunting,
After creating a strong net,
He captured a wild dog,
He made it his loyal pet.

He made a knife from flint?
He mad a spear or two.
When went hunting deer all day,
His bow and arrow flew.

His snares and his traps,
He caught so many animals.
He had them all for dinner,
Skin blankets made him a winner.

He would try random berries,
He had a knack for foraging,
A skill that was very useful,
When all other stock grew thin

By Sam Luxton

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