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Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Today I had a visit!

Today I had a visit,
The stranger times two.
First gave stark warning,
The end of all we knew.

He spoke of return to normal,
Lessons we just ignored.
The next wave of nature’s antibodies,
Wipes man of the shores.

We failed to understand,
The curse we made ourselves.
Now the human race,
Reserves a place in hell.

We didn’t cut pollution,
We didn’t aid our kin.
We kept on taking all the time,
We left nature with nothing.

My heart began to weep,
The tear rolled down my face.
How could I be part of it,
Ashamed of the human race.

The visitor departed then,
He left me to my tears.
A terrible end to the world,
Dreamt up in all my fears.

Suddenly the same man came,
Once more into my life,
He smile was so different,
Like he’d overcome such strife.

The messages I once gave you,
Have had a chance to grow.
Now we have this chance,
To plant what we sow.

The message that I once gave,
Was stark, unkind and grim.
But it did what was needed,
It changed the heart within.

For years the world was weeping,
It had to start to fight.
It doesn’t like to hurt it’s kids,
But we’d created such a plight.

The world is our true mother,
It helps us all to live.
Sometimes it feels as though,
It gives and gives and gives.

Now it is our time,
To give something back.
When this is over,
Don’t let the thought,
Grow black.

Go out into the world,
Embrace natural insight.
This world really wants our love,
So give your love so bright.

Today I had a visit,
The stranger times two.
First gave stark warning,
The other offered hope renewed.

By Sam Luxton

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