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Tuesday, 31 March 2020

The Call!

A call!

These poems are here to help,
To show you are not alone.
It’s time for us to understand,
Help is on the phone.

Though I cannot hold you,
My spirits by your side.
The wonders of this modern world,
In our hearts it does reside.

So rather than spread doom and gloom,
Why not share a cheer?
Go now and grab the phone,
Call someone who is dear.

Tell them that you love them,
Tell them that you care.
When all of this is over,
The burdens we all will bare.

The people who we adore,
May not be in our reach.
But on the phone you will find,
A love that I can’t teach.

So go now and make that call,
To a person that you know.
Make a pact you’ll help them,
When hugging becomes a show.

It will entertain your more,
Than you ever knew,
To finally put down the phone,
Their embrace you will renew.

Now is the time to ponder,
Who you would choose to call?
The difficulty for me,
I’d wish to call you all.

By Sam Luxton

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