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Friday, 28 August 2020

When will I be fixed?

 When will I be fixed?

I thought I could fix it,

I guess that’s not true.

I have to many demons,

Trying to break through.

They call me from far away,

Forcing me out my mind.

Telling me to save the day,

Yet my brain they seem to grind.

They do not know my torture,

They know not of my pain.

The hate inside me every day,

It drives me so very insane! 

I cannot fix what was done,

How do I fix others wrongs?

I fear I am growing heartless,

While others say I’m strong. 

How do I fix my issues?

Help those who are in need.

Yet I can’t fix myself,

Aiding I can’t succeed.

Have I changed so fully,

No one can get close to me

People I was so close to,

I fail to hear to hear their plea.

I know not where I’m going,

Nor where I find myself currently at.

All I know is I must move forward,

Because there is no turning back.

By Sam Luxton

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Best friend

 My Best Friend Saved Me

There was a child that I knew,

Who was sad and very blue.

No one ever saw the pain,

His energy began to wane.

He had many friends you see,

Wore a smile to seem happy.

Yet inside he would weep,

A turmoil so very deep.

He felt as if he wasn’t there,

That deep down no one cared.

He couldn’t seem to understand,

Why no one held his hand.

Challenges, alone he had faced,

Locked inside his mental space.

He felt the world was not his friend,

He just wanted it all to end.

Then one day his best friend came,

She said, “Tell me why you’re in pain!”

He looked at her and dropped his guard,

He cried and cried so very hard.

He spoke of horrors old and new,

How his self-hate grew and grew.

How he felt no one cared,

How everyday he was unprepared.

She Spoke gently to him,

“We love you let us in.

If you ever feel down,

I will be straight around.

Life can make us feel small,

Other people can be cruel.

But you are not them my friend,

Love and kindness are all you send.”

He looked at her tears in his eyes,

She had seen through his lies.

She knew her friend was feeling bad,

It hurt her and drove her mad.

She hugged him and held him close,

He wept and wept on her clothes.

She just sat and waited there,

Waiting for him to start to share.

She couldn’t fix what was in the past,

Those memories would always last.

Yet she would play an active role,

To return the happiness they stole.

All it takes is one person to see,

To make someone feel worthy.

So, remember to love not hate.

Be mindful of what you create.

By Sam Luxton



This world is full of the unknown,

Negativity now overgrown.

Instead of differences to see,

Accept others see differently.

Embrace the differences in all,

Variety does not need walls.

Do not give in to fear and pain,

For nothing good through this we gain. 

Everyone has something to give,

In unity we all should live.

In the storms, floods and fire,

We see the heroes to admire.

The belief held in their heart,

No life should we see depart.

This year nature has tried her best,

To end humanities unrest.

Now it’s time for us to show,

Plants aren’t all that grow.

Never forget what’s been done,

Moving forward go as one.

By Sam Luxton



Earrings made with love,

Necklaces made with thought.

Bracelets to find and wear,

Unique items here can be sought.

Stones of speckled rock,

Make quite the artisan design.

A special gift for you,

So seek and You may very well find.

Jewellery has a special meaning,

It can show a tender side.

From that someone special,

Feelings of fondness won’t hide.

By Sam Luxton


 Traits to admire!

Perseverance can be an ordeal,

At the end it’s a winning deal.

Kindness is a work of art,

Through it wisdom we impart.

Charitable in deeds so pure,

for many charity is the only cure.

Listening with an active ear,

Showing others you’re sincere.

Respect shown to everyone,

Humans respected as one.

Life learners we all should be

Mistakes shape all you see.

Benevolence is at the core,

Share it more and more.

Acceptance we all should know,

Through acceptance peace will flow.

Unity is the road to peace,

Through it wars can cease.

So many traits can help build,

A world where humans are the shield.

By Sam Luxton

Wednesday, 26 August 2020



I am not a judge or jury,

I can not say if you are bad,

All I know is you are loved,

Even though sometimes you drive me mad. 

I will not say you are wrong,

I often offer the other view.

Sometimes I play the advocate,

To help to balance you. 

I will say mistakes occur,

Life is full of wrong turns.

Yet you have been part of mine,

Hard lessons we all must learn.

If you do seek judgement,

This is all can afford you.

If you were not a worthy person,

I would not seek to know you.

I think you are brave and strong,

I think you offer lots. 

When I have faced a storm,

A new course you've helped me plot. 

So moving forward in time,

One thing I know for sure.

You can do so very much,

You are worth the world and more.

A hug from you is magic,

An ear healing in times of pain.

Having you within my life,

A gift I know I've gained.

So my judgement is simple,

You know it deep inside

You are truly magnificent,

Thanks for being at my side. 

By Sam Luxton



Beauty is individual,

It’s a choice of your mind.

So many seem superficial,

To me it’s being kind.

Beauty is the boy,

Who offers up a seat.

Beauty is the person,

Who lifts you from defeat.

Beauty is silence,

When you have nothing to say.

Beauty is waking up,

Wanting to see out the day.

Beauty is opening up,

Letting people in.

Beauty is non-judge mental,

It’s accepting flaws within.

Beauty is the person,

Who messages when your down.

Beauty is the wonder,

In you beauty is found. 

By Sam Luxton


 The trail winds in front of me,

It never seems to end at all.

Somedays I pass effortlessly;

other days it’s so very slow,

I am almost standing still.

it sometimes is newly paved,

perfection to move along,

Yet at other times it’s rough.

Bumps try to halt me,

Dirt obscures my vision.

These roads are hard to bare,

Yet I keep going on.

I struggle but I continue,

I halt only to catch my breath.

Time is so fleeting,

I must use it wisely.

by Sam Luxton


Another step to hope!

 Another step to hope!

Life is a twisting path,
Full of ups and downs.
But even in the darkest time,
Hope can always be found.
At times it seems impossible,
To be proud and to stand.
Yet life is full of fantastic gifts,
Living is so wonderfully grand.
It isn’t always easy,
You’ll cry a tear or two.
But the next step shows,
The strength within you.
I’m a composition of memories,
Experiences I have made.
Some so very dark,
I was left feeling dismayed.
Yet whenever I needed hope,
A beacon to guide me through.
I found it there in others,
Who helped my light shine too.
I will always find my way,
No matter how rough the sea.
Inside an ember always burns,
So Hope lives within me.
I am inspired by good deeds,
Performed by other men.
But whether I I am right or wrong,
On myself that does depend.
So I choose the optimistic path,
While launching on a new road.
For no matter where I roam,
I can carry and bare the load.
I know where help is given,
Without an added fee.
I know that hope sings loud,
Resonating inside of me.
By Sam Luxton

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Escape from life!

Escape from real life!
When I sit and read,
I escape to a new land.
Where supermen and women,
Spread hope that is so grand.
The books are an escape,
To leave this world behind.
To have a place to go to,
To find a peace of mind.
I may choose to be a hero,
Or a villain in disguise.
A misunderstood monster,
Or a mum with a surprise.
The books are an escape,
To leave this world behind.
To have a place to go to,
To find a peace of mind.
I can find new friends and family,
In a well written text.
I can resolve other people’s woes,
No matter how complex.
The books are an escape,
To leave this world behind.
To have a place to go to,
To find a peace of mind
A book is a portal,
To another new realm.
To get there yo must read,
Steer the ship at the helm.
The books are an escape,
To leave this world behind.
To have a place to go to,
To find a peace of mind.
You may be witness,
To an awful crime.
You may be the warrior,
Who fights the end of time.
The books are an escape,
To leave this world behind.
To have a place to go to,
To find a peace of mind.
You may be a protagonist,
Chosen for their mind.
You may be the antagonist,
The hero left behind.
In a book you can be,
So many different roles.
In life you can be the same,
If you have achievable goals.
By Sam Luxton


I am an astronaut!
In life I am an astronaut,
I travel round space.
I meet some very unique people,
Alien in many ways.
We all move through the world,
On paths that are untrod.
Each new step paving way for a leap.
Our actions so unpredictable.
I have not walked in their footprints.
I have not lived their life.
In the vacuum of passing time,
We meet rarely.
Yet joined in this state of living,
We must understand,
We are not alone.
Yet part of us may be lonely.
By Sam Luxton



When I walk across the lands,
I share kindness with every man.
If we all unite as one race,
Then hatred can be erased.
If we aid instead of fight,
We can set the world right.
The judgements based on your deed,
Not on nation, skin or creed.
Prejudice has no place,
Unite together one equal race.

By Sam Luxton